
Tribe Back to blog When Buckley and I first began our weekly visits, Buckley cringed at some of the mistakes I made - either with the questions I would ask, or by the signs I would miss. "Do you have any visitors coming to see you tomorrow for...

Learning to dance
Learning to dance Back to blog Somehow, we started talking about dancing. I recounted how my brother and I were not given a choice in the matter. "When I was in junior high, my folks told me that it was time I learned how to dance." And that was that. So...

Reunion Back to blog "My mom died when I was only four, and my dad didn't have a choice. There were five of us kids living on the farm, and there was just no way he could take care of all of us." Marilyn has told this story a few times, because I keep...

Laughter Back to blog It wasn't going to be a routine visit. Everything else was routine - Buckley brushing and primping, a little pep talk, brushing jealous Cooper, donning the vest, and off we went. For the past couple months, our first visit of the day...

Never alone.
Never alone. Back to blog The most sacred honor for a hospice volunteer is to be called upon to provide a silent presence in place of family members when they have exhausted their energy holding vigil over their loved one during the final transition. In...

K-12 Public School somewhere in Nebraska
K-12 Public School somewhere in Nebraska Back to blog I had the absolute pleasure of speaking to an entire school district (250 kids, 30 staff members), and Buckley was able to join me! We spent the first 30 minutes with K-5 students, with plenty of time...

Some of the most wonderful people in the world.
Some of the most wonderful people in the world. Back to blog Yesterday, I had the honor of presenting to Domesti-pups volunteers and friends of Domesti-pups. They now carry a very important piece of paper with them. Domesti-pups is an incredible...

Nebraska Nurse Practitioner Conference
Nebraska Nurse Practitioner Conference Back to blog If you look closely, these incredible people are holding a very important piece of paper.

Max Back to blog It's nearly 10:00 PM, and I have just completed the required paperwork for the visits Buckley and I did for the day. This always brings reflection. We were asked to come visit Max, a WWII vet. We had met him once before at a pinning...

Martha Back to blog I received the phone call from Susan, the Hospice Volunteer Coordinator, that a client’s family would like some respite care for their mother, Martha. Martha was actively dying, and it was important to her family that someone was with...

Tabitha Volunteer Spotlight
Tabitha Volunteer Spotlight Volunteer Spotlight: Stuart Stofferahn and Buckley Tabitha Hospice volunteer Stuart Stofferahn is perfectly content in his better-known role as “Buckley’s human." As Tabitha’s first hospice-dedicated dog team, Stofferahn and...